Change Management

 I help leaders to structure conversations designed to get employees informed, involved, invested, and inspired.

Ignored→ Informed→ Involved→ Invested→ Inspired

I help leaders structure conversations designed to get employees involved, incorporated, invested and inspired during a significant change process.  Change initiatives often begin with people feeling imposed upon. Executives often feel the dread of having to champion initiatives that leave employees feeling that way!  Employees spend less time talking with their leaders and visa-versa. The result is decreased motivation and decelerated progress.  

Change begins with the belief that change is possible; failure begins with the belief that failure is inevitable.  So much of the behavior involved in a change initiative is tied to peoples’ beliefs and assumptions regarding the change itself.  If people are asking ‘what and why’, rather than ‘how and how well’, it is time to significantly increase the dialogue within the organization.  Before starting that process, it is important for leaders to get a pulse on how people are feeling toward the initiative (yes, there is a scale for that):

  1. Ignored:  People believe they have ideas that might add value without an opportunity to add it.
  2. Informed:  The change initiative is done through memos and emails. People know what's going on but have no voice.
  3. Involved:  People are given an opportunity to be educated, given context and are listened to. They feel their voices are heard and valued.
  4. Invested:  A full context for is given of external and internal factors guiding ‘what’ and why’. People's ideas for implementing ways 'adapt' the initiatives are adopted. They are clear about responsibilities and own their work.
  5. Inspired:  People’s beliefs are positively impacted as a result of their participation.

When planning a new initiative, leadership teams become laser focused on the "finish line." But what’s missing in most roadmaps is a realistic assessment of the organization’s "starting line."  

I help companies make an honest assessment of their organization’s readiness for change -  ‘the starting line’. I coach leaders in the process of moving employees from feeling ignored ... to becoming involved ... to getting invested.

My coaching will help you impact your organization’s collective belief that the change they’re wrestling with will be positive, possible, needed, and supported. These are the beliefs that accelerate the pace of change. 

Success begins with the belief that success is possible. Failure begins with the belief that failure is inevitable.  It begins with the opportunity to impact beliefs.

Bill and His Team are Ready. Are You?

Contact me personally if you’d like to learn more about building your organization’s capability and commitment.